But Mr Raharjo also wants to rebuild his research facilities, which relied heavily on sophisticated equipment now needing replacement. 但是Raharjo先生还希望重新建设他的研究设施,过去主要依赖的复杂设备现在需要恢复。
Especially, it has been renowned for its outstanding achievements in the scientific research, equipment replacement and technical upgrade of solar water heater self-contained production equipment. 尤其在太阳能热水器成套生产设备的科技研发、设备更新、技术升级等方面取得了卓越成效。
During the warranty period, when equipment requires maintenance or parts replacement, the supplier shall assign the experienced engineers to the site to provide technical support to the demand of the owner or EPC contractor. 在保修期内,当设备需要维修或更换部件时,在业主或epc承包商的要求下,供货商应派有经验的工程师到现场进行技术支持。
Equipment replacement problem on convex case and its competitive analysis 基于凸情形下在线设备更新问题的竞争分析
For all spare equipment, regular replacement and test shall be carried out as per requirements. 备用设备应按规定进行定期切换操作和试验。
Under the conditions of multiple service equipment, replacement shall be carried out one by one, namely one set at one time. 对多台设备运行的情况,应逐台切换,即一次切换一台。
Will lead free components require any new process equipment or equipment replacement? if so, please list. 无铅化的产品需要一些新的机台设备或会有一些现用机台被替换吗?如有。请列出。
By replacement of rotary kiln tube body section solves the problems brought by ageing equipment, such a replacement with simple process and low engineering cost. 通过对回转窑筒体实施截体更换,解决了设备老化带来的问题,而且工艺简单,工程成本低。
Strategy on roller replacement at a fully automatic continuous rolling mill, together with its equipment inspection and replacement cycle in production management, has been studied and discussed. 针对某轧钢厂自动化全连续轧机的生产管理中存在的设备检查、更换周期问题,对自动化连续轧机换辊策略开展研究和探讨。
A Large-scale DC Power Supply System Equipment Replacement 一次大型直流电源系统割接
This paper has analysed the equipment replacement, management in the field, maintenance. 本文就设备更新、设备现场管理、设备修理三方面进行分析和阐述,从生产实际的需要出发建立了行之有效、经济适用的油田设备更新效益计算方法;
Operational principles are employed to set up a mathematical model for a unit laboratory equipment needing maintenance and replacement, which can determine the optimum interval of replacement in case of their breakdown, thus saving cost of replacement. 运用运筹学的原理与方法,建立了实验室单台设备维修更换的数学模型,它能容易地确定每台机器预防性更换的最优间隔期,从而使设备在单位时间内的预期更换代价最低。
The ammonia production capacity increases by 10% without any change in equipment but with a partial replacement by Type AQ-1 ammonia synthesis catalyst, the power and energy consumption per ton of ammonia decreases, and satisfactory results are obtained. 在不改变任何设备、只部分换用AQ-1型氨合成触媒的情况下,使合成氨生产能力提高了10%,吨氨电耗和能耗均有所下降,取得了令人满意的效果。
Research on the Convergence of Static and Dynamic Relationship for Equipment Replacement 设备更新分析中动、静态关系一致性研究
In conditions of more general cost constitution, authors prove that contral limit policies exist in discounted object function and average object function of equipment replacement and repair problems by Markov decision programming. 本文在更自然的费用结构下,用马尔柯夫决策规刻,证明了设备更换和维修问题对折扣目标和平均目标都存在一种特殊的最优策略&控制限策略。
My View Point on Equipment Replacement Cost Confirmation 设备更新成本确认之我见
Equipment Replacement Models in Construction Industry 建筑企业设备更新的决策模型
This will certainly bring a new round of equipment replacement, and the manufacturing industry will be one of the major adjusting focus fields and also one of the major increasing points of economy development. 必然带来新一轮的设备更新,装备制造业必将是调整中的主要着力点之一,也是我国新阶段经济发展的主要增长点之一。
In the last part, taking advantage of the theory of dynamic programming, we make multistage programming as to equipment replacement and equipment investment of water system and work out the procedure, which provide reliable theoretical proof for water equipment replacement and equipment investment. 利用动态规划原理,对供水设备更新与设备投资问题进行多阶段规划,并编制了程序,从而为本钢供水设备有选择、有目的的更新和投人提供了可靠的理论依据。
The Application of Genetic Algorithm with Random Switching Control to Solution of an Equipment Replacement Problem 用随机开关控制的遗传算法在求解设备更新问题中的应用
This paper analyzes the effect and harmfulness of slagging, contaminating, corrosion and wear out to the boiler four piping, and proposes a reasonable operation mode and appropriate measures for equipment replacement and technical reformation. 通过分析结渣、沾污、腐蚀和磨损对锅炉四管的影响和危害,提出了合理的运行方式、设备的改变及技术改造等对策。
In order to solve an equipment replacement problem a new method, the genetic algorithm, is proposed. 针对一种确定性的设备更新问题;提出了用遗传算法求解的新途径。
Application layer multicast may achieve service customized, not require equipment replacement and be easy to deploy. Research institutions at home and abroad have given considerable attention and have achieved some fruits. 应用层可以实现服务的定制、不需要更换设备、易于部署等优点,国内外相关研究机构给予了相当的关注,并已取得一定的成果。
The past, use a rigid welding equipment, replacement of a species need to be replaced or adjusted in a set of welding equipment, there is preparation cycle is too long, and equipment utilization is low, the problem of higher production costs. 以往端墙组焊采用刚性工艺装备,更换一个品种需要更换或调整一套组焊装备,存在准备周期过长、装备利用率低、生产成本高等问题。
There are lots of problems on the vehicle-mounted sensor system widely used in China, such as the unstable equipment running, difficult replacement, low security and reliability. 目前我国广泛使用的车载传感系统存在系统设备运行不稳定、更换困难以及安全可靠性较低等一系列的问题。
The most effective way to shorten a maintenance time is to use equipment replacement instead of repairing, therefore, NPPs need to preserve a certain amount of standby equipment and spare parts in the field. 缩短核电站维修时间的最有效的办法就是在设备故障检修、定期换料大修中使用备件进行设备更换,因此,核电站需要在现场保持一定数量的备用设备和部件在库存里。
The central grid of Shengli Oilfield after years of running, there are now a lack of power supply and loss and equipment replacement problems. 胜利油田中区电网经过多年运行,目前存在电网供电能力不足且损耗大,设备老化面临更新换代的问题。
As the rapid development of electrical and electronic equipment industry, the frequency of replacement electronic products is accelerated, the amount of waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ( WEEE) is rapidly increasing in China. 随着电子电器行业的飞速发展,电子电器产品的更新换代频率日益加快,我国的电子废弃物数量也迅猛增加。
With the development of the communication and technology, communications equipment replacement soon. 随着通信事业与技术的发展,通信设备更新换代很快。